The ironic boarder between low culture use for high fashion seems to be blurring more and more these days. With the success of Moncler's Gamme Bleu witnessed at Joyce in Hong Kong (only 5 items left hanging on the rack...) I feel more compelled than ever to do something within this aesthetic moment.
Something that really threw me back for a loop was seeing Colette carrying Hudson Bay'scashmere water bottle cover.

The Bay was kind of the lamest company you can choose to go shopping in when I lived in Vancouver. It really was a granny store. And I think it is this overly stimulated fashion culture that makes us turn to this lesser appreciate form of comfort. It is ridiculous because I have seen this so often, especially in shoe shopping. When a friend tries out these 7 inch heels and you ask them, 'well is it comfortable?' and they say 'yes, these Blahniks feels amazzzzzing.'
So I guess it is time to return to some genuine comfort in this cold cold time of the season.