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A space for short posts that comments on anything that happens during the day, be it movies, music, design, art, pubs, clubs, friends, enemies, lovers, the weather, fashion... Because it is all of these little things collectively that will make up our lives. And all of it should be noted.
Sunday, 30 January 2011
It's always weird to go home after staying at a friends. There is a sense of quiet and loneliness in the atmosphere.
Saturday, 29 January 2011
After realizing how unfit I am, I can only imagine how little a movement it must be when my boyfriend and I have sex. It will probably look as exciting as turtles doing it.
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Friday, 28 January 2011
So my gym arms hurt like hell... in fact I looked like a spaz the whole day when I try to zip up my jacket because I cannot lift my arm above 90 degree from my body.
So when I have to scratch my face or put my phone to my ear, I have to push my one arm with my other arm like so:
Thursday, 27 January 2011
Wondering if its wrong to not be sad that my bf is gone because I can finally sleep in my own bed again.
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Going to the gym yesterday with the trainer for the first time meant rendering my arms useless for the next day.
I was so weak when we started and he asked me to do a push up, we quickly had to move onto girl knee push ups. In front.of all the fun people of course.
And I couldn't do more than 1 set. He had to take it so easy on me as I explained by semi valid heart condition. But either way, by the end of it, I couldn't lift my arm for a drink.
I have never experienced such weakness in my body. And I even told my trainer that I was so embarassed.
But the funny thing is, because we had to rest so much, I got to hear all his stories: ones where he had a nose like a vacuum, or getting completely wasted with Kate Moss. I felt like an accountant next to him. And I am the design student.
I was so weak when we started and he asked me to do a push up, we quickly had to move onto girl knee push ups. In front.of all the fun people of course.
And I couldn't do more than 1 set. He had to take it so easy on me as I explained by semi valid heart condition. But either way, by the end of it, I couldn't lift my arm for a drink.
I have never experienced such weakness in my body. And I even told my trainer that I was so embarassed.
But the funny thing is, because we had to rest so much, I got to hear all his stories: ones where he had a nose like a vacuum, or getting completely wasted with Kate Moss. I felt like an accountant next to him. And I am the design student.
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Wednesday, 26 January 2011
One difficult thing I find to talk about with my friends is sex. My friends are amazingly almost all (living) 22-27 year old near virgins or virgins.
It's not that they are deformed or down ( as in syndrome ). Rather its an unfortunate mix of Christians, Koreans, and emotionally unavailable people.
Anyways that said now that my boyfriend is mad cuz he found out I took care of myself.... sigh it doesn't even seem important enough to document anymore. Nor it seems like I will resolve this through a senseless babble.
I guess the point of the post has become : I have virgin boring friends.
It's not that they are deformed or down ( as in syndrome ). Rather its an unfortunate mix of Christians, Koreans, and emotionally unavailable people.
Anyways that said now that my boyfriend is mad cuz he found out I took care of myself.... sigh it doesn't even seem important enough to document anymore. Nor it seems like I will resolve this through a senseless babble.
I guess the point of the post has become : I have virgin boring friends.
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Another situation I don't know how I get myself into is when I am helping a friend, some kind of terribly awkward situation always arrive between us. Maybe its because they are picky or I am a bad helper, but somehow I tend to fall short of expectations.
Like last night when I was suppose to help Ana with her RCA MA application. Instead of helping her during the night like I agreed to, I thought I would help her while we were at school so we didn't have to go to her house, which was really far away. I helped her cut fabrics at school but Jihye was to be the sewing lady of the day. Now I had nothing left to do and I thought I could be done early today. Since Dirk's daughter was leaving soon, I thought it was a good time to go to the arcade that night. But I guess it was my stupidity to mention that in front of Ana because to her I basically dropped out of the evening.
To which I told her it looks like the garment will be done soon. So I won't need to go to yours. Now I don't know how finished was the garment when she left at 6. But I started feeling bad and I offered to come. And this is where the issue always happen. I start feeling guilty, and I offer to help again or to do something else that takes time and energy. And the person getting help will start feeling like they have a right to be angry. And they do.
She ignored my calls for the rest of the evening. And somehow, even though I helped her during the afternoon, I still feel guilty and I know if we were to look back, it would somehow be my fault.
Tuesday, 25 January 2011
I didn't know this before, but I Fucking hate it when a stranger asks a question to a group of people didn't hear him. And I am stupid/kind enough to answer. And they ignore me.
I did that today. Worst yet, I thought he didn't hear me, so I paused and told him again. Which was ignored again. Then I waited, overwhelmed by confusion. Once I caught his eyes I answered again. Which by that time he ignored while staring right at my face.
I don't understand why people are like that. Do I look diseased? If they can ask another stranger a question, what is wrong with answering to mine? Motherfucker. Am a bit sleep deprived today.
And my heart started hurting a little.. I guess after my outburst it explains my heart.. but fuckers..
I did that today. Worst yet, I thought he didn't hear me, so I paused and told him again. Which was ignored again. Then I waited, overwhelmed by confusion. Once I caught his eyes I answered again. Which by that time he ignored while staring right at my face.
I don't understand why people are like that. Do I look diseased? If they can ask another stranger a question, what is wrong with answering to mine? Motherfucker. Am a bit sleep deprived today.
And my heart started hurting a little.. I guess after my outburst it explains my heart.. but fuckers..
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So when my teacher.told me that the project is good. It has potential, more than he thought. Instead of taking that as a compliment, my thinking is:
How little did you think of the project? And instead it made me question everything we have ever talked about slightly..
How little did you think of the project? And instead it made me question everything we have ever talked about slightly..
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Monday, 24 January 2011
Definitely have a thing for men with blonde beard, and ass chins.
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Because when I was growing up I was such a planner. I guess I was the hardcore Asian that was too motivated to get somewhere without knowing where.
So here I am designing for my life, and kinda figuring I might not love design so much afterall. But I do feel like I had made such strong tracks in my life that it will take a lot of effort and courage to try and step outta the grove.
So here I am designing for my life, and kinda figuring I might not love design so much afterall. But I do feel like I had made such strong tracks in my life that it will take a lot of effort and courage to try and step outta the grove.
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Sunday, 23 January 2011
I believe there is such a thing as the Sunday sickness and I have it as proof.
To describe Sunday sickness, one.would feel slightly depressed, anxious about the week to come, and question their purpose. Though there is time for pleasure, much of the pleasure has been sucked out of you. As the evening arrives, a sense of doom descends in sync with the ticking clock.
Usually by 10 ish one would either find peace through blabbing with friends, posting a wishful thinking disguised as an ad on Craigslist, or go to bed early. For Monday morning will be the next thing we see.
To describe Sunday sickness, one.would feel slightly depressed, anxious about the week to come, and question their purpose. Though there is time for pleasure, much of the pleasure has been sucked out of you. As the evening arrives, a sense of doom descends in sync with the ticking clock.
Usually by 10 ish one would either find peace through blabbing with friends, posting a wishful thinking disguised as an ad on Craigslist, or go to bed early. For Monday morning will be the next thing we see.
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My seat on the bus smells like booze. But its better than the smell of urine yesterday.
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Saturday, 22 January 2011
When I imagine how my partner's daughter will describe me during her visit to London, I imagine it will go down something like this:
'He worked the whole time I was there, there has not been a time really where I didn't see him working.'
And although some might feel proud of being a workaholic, or dedicated to their studies, even I think the person she is talking to should say something like,
'Wow, he must not be very talented then...'
When I look back on the last 6 years. I am almost in awe of all the things I have learned, especially post-London.
It makes me grateful that I got to learn about the world and others so well so soon. But I do wonder how this experience will distill and manifest into my 30s. And I hope this somewhat brutal and hard experience will be worth it.
Because I look at others, and I meet people in their 30s. And I am sure they go through maybe something similar, but I don't find them particularly enlightened. And maybe I think we can go through life without digesting our experience. And if we don't stop to take a break and look back in this stupid race, we will forget where we came from.
It makes me grateful that I got to learn about the world and others so well so soon. But I do wonder how this experience will distill and manifest into my 30s. And I hope this somewhat brutal and hard experience will be worth it.
Because I look at others, and I meet people in their 30s. And I am sure they go through maybe something similar, but I don't find them particularly enlightened. And maybe I think we can go through life without digesting our experience. And if we don't stop to take a break and look back in this stupid race, we will forget where we came from.
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Friday, 21 January 2011
Of course my partner has to be obviously the most weirdly perverted guy I would know. With his fascination in sex while others are in and my definite hatred of it, we might not come respond similarly when we have guest staying over the night.
But the fact it is his daughter sleeping next door didn't stop the fucker. Well at least he wasn't a fucker that night.
When my boyfriend's daughter is here, I can't help but feel:
- Completely invaded and uncomfortable in my own home
- Neurotic as I discover how many things I like 'my way.'
Since I tend to work late in the living room, there was no way I can ask Theresa to sleep in the couch next to me while I Skype, Blog, or watch dumb videos like Community Channel on YouTube. So instead, I am banned from my own bed for the time being...
That said, my neurotic side became more apparent as the day goes on. Since the girl is preggers, she had morning sickness all day and night. She vomited on the plane and on the train to get here. So needless to say, I didn't hug her. And I wasn't particularly thrilled when I saw her lying in bed already, without a shower after 48 hours.
Then there's the discovery that I actually like school, and somehow I have this internal urge to leave the house when she is awake. And suddenly the place I have avoided like the plague for the last 3 years has become a safe haven for me.
At least I get nights like these where I can finally type on a keyboard instead of the keypad on my mobile to blog, vent, and be.
I guess sleeping on the couch has its own advantages.
Dirk and Ana sits talking, explaining about his daughter and Ana Oo-ING and ah-ING over things I would just roll my eyes at.
I think in the mood of stress, I am a cold-blooded bitch.
I think in the mood of stress, I am a cold-blooded bitch.
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Thursday, 20 January 2011
Dirk came from Holland since Wednesday. It was really nice to see him. But he has paid for his daughter's ticket to from to London to visit us from Vancouver. At such a critical year, I have to say I am a bit manic, selfish, and pretty much just vicious.
As Evon has said, after this year, her boyfriend would have seen the worst side of her. Unfortunately for Dirk, he sees the worst side of me on a regular basis. Today was no exception. Needless to say, fight fight fight. Nothing they say seems right, and I would feel everything they are saying is inconsiderate - hence my insane blow outs that has made people twice my size cry before...
The only note-worthy thing is that usually I find ways to think how he is so wrong. But this time, I know its mainly me that is the problem. School and stress really changed me. And man its ugly...
Even as I am acting this way, I can envision someone acting like this will not result in a happy outcome for their work. But like a strike to the knee, it must kick all my close ones in the face.
I need to reset my brain and carry that mind to the next day.
Sometimes when I talk to someone I find to be really attractive, or I know is very attractive conventionally, I start thinking of all the terrible things they can see on my face.
The moon crater scars from impulsive destructions on teenage acne, the neglected over dried flakey lips, the little tiny eyebrow hair poorly hidden behind the ridge of my glasses, and the tiny irregular sprinkles of boy man hair growing around my face.
And recently, a new addition, a large pimple on the edge of my nostril. I first thought I had pain in my gums. But as it turn out, it was a super pimple placed in the utmost impossible place to squeeze.
So as always, I avoid beautiful people, or at least not ever look at their gaze when we are talking.
The moon crater scars from impulsive destructions on teenage acne, the neglected over dried flakey lips, the little tiny eyebrow hair poorly hidden behind the ridge of my glasses, and the tiny irregular sprinkles of boy man hair growing around my face.
And recently, a new addition, a large pimple on the edge of my nostril. I first thought I had pain in my gums. But as it turn out, it was a super pimple placed in the utmost impossible place to squeeze.
So as always, I avoid beautiful people, or at least not ever look at their gaze when we are talking.
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Tuesday, 18 January 2011
So following my little adventure with Mr.AS (really his acronym), this was how it all ended on Skype:
Me: that was a big waste of time...
Him: yes it was.. I waited for you.. It make me feel you are not real.. You don't want to send a pick and when I call you, you claim to be with friends elsewhere
Him: Thank You for nothing and it was nice knowing you
Me: no... i texted you. you don't even respond nor pick up the call.
Me: I was at the starbucks at 5.15
Me: and i ring you and texted but you didnt respond until an hour and a half later
Me: did you assume I would just wait there for an hour?
Me: plus you (or the one you claim to be you in the pic) was clearly not in either of the
Starbucks I went to, so I believe you are just socially retarded creep who knows how to send others pictures... seriously people like you make the internet creepy.
Him: thank You and good to know.. maybe you are the socially retarded one since you can't send your pic
Me: haha I didnt have a problem sending a pic, you never asked for one when I came back to london. And I tried last night but the internet crapped out. At least I showed up where we agreed to. And I wouldn't call someone and just hang up...
Me: why don't you just call and breath heavily? maybe that would be less weird
I guess I can be pretty aggressive/bitchy if needed.
As I have such an affinity for meeting new people, I found someone on Craigslist that was apparently from Chicago and was relocated to London for 6 months. He did say he was looking for a friend to go travel with so he can split the costs of the hotel and keep it low... which wasn't something I was prepared to do but messaged anyways...
The first suspicious thing was that he was looking in M4M (Men for Men) section. Which is littered with penises and abbreviations for words only an internet gay would know such as - bottom, dominating, dominated, submissive, black, asian, good-looking, very good-looking, no string attached, and one night stand.
The second suspicious thing was he was never all that talkative on Skype. Much similar to the days when I used hang in chat rooms and converse with socially awkward geeks. He supposedly worked at Canary Wharf and lived there as well. He also wrote poor sentences like ,'Hi, what are you?' and response in '???' when I write 'I am a human.'
Seeing the above conversation as an example of how well we conversed, we hardly knew each other. But it turned out he went to Italy a lot for work and one day out of the blue, he asked me if I wanted to go Italy. There were so many reasons to say no I didn't know which to tell him. But I stuck with,' I haven't even met you! You wouldn't want to go on a trip without knowing that person at all! What if I am a completely crazy person?' (meaning what if he was a completely crazy person, which he soon showed he was...)
So yesterday he asked to meet for coffee today at 5.15pm. Apparently he had to do an interview at the Starbucks on Wardour St., which was in Soho, the gay area. (Which my gay friend later told me that it would be impossible it was an interview, rather it was clearly a date. 'Come on, an interview at Starbucks? In Soho? Its a date,' he said.)
He sent me a pic that night, indicating him wanting a pic of me. Though I am hesitant on sending pictures online (a mixture of self insecurities and closet heydays) I started looking for a picture to send before my internet crashed. I sent him a text explaining my internet and told him I would see him tomorrow to which he said okay.
5.15 rolls around and I messaged him to see if his interview was finished. Which he didn't respond to. Now I hate to walk into a Starbucks and look for a stranger, so when I got there I hesitated at the front and rang him. To which there was no response. I then realized there were two Starbucks on Wardour St. so I thought I better head on in and waste no time. I went in, and in the manner least obvious as possible, scanned the room. No one.
I quickly left and went for the 2nd Starbucks. I went in and the first thing I noticed was a scary looking old man sitting by himself. Now the place was full, but he stood out to me for some reason. I lined up and I scanned this slightly bigger room this time. Still unable to shake the weird old man in my mind, I rang the guy, spy style without having the phone to my ear. Paying close attention to who might pick up. No one.
I got my coffee and left, joining my friends at yet another Starbucks to explain this epic failure. After an hour, I got a text from him telling me he was sorry he didn't know there were 2 Starbucks and asked where I was. I wrote to him that I was with my friends now, and I asked where he was. But before I even sent the message he rang me. When I picked up, he hung up. Guess I had my own strategy played back on me. Only he couldn't have seen who I was since he was not at the right Starbucks. He didn't respond, and after an hour I sent him another message, asking if we are still meeting. No response.
The real fun begins when I saw him on Skype after I went home and had a quick but powerful conversation with him... Which I will write out after... need to do work...
When I just brushed my chin, a piece of chopped carrot fell from my face.
I had no idea where it came from.
I had no idea where it came from.
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So a couple nights ago I realized I can see into my neighbors living room downstairs from my bedroom window.
It was quite sweet, the gay couple with their red wine and movie. But didn't get to see much more... and judging from the last few nights. They don't often sit there.
I think my voyeuristic tendencies are heightened after moving into the city, no longer barred in individual houses back in Canada.
It was quite sweet, the gay couple with their red wine and movie. But didn't get to see much more... and judging from the last few nights. They don't often sit there.
I think my voyeuristic tendencies are heightened after moving into the city, no longer barred in individual houses back in Canada.
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Monday, 17 January 2011

Loving the Rituals
Loving the rituals that keep men close,
Nature created means for friends apart:
pen, paper, ink, the alphabet,
signs for the distant and disconsolate heart
Palladas (4th Century)
And I guess that really explained why I write here into the void. As I feel somewhat isolated (as we all do in big cities that swallow us whole), I suppose my disconsolate heart yearn to relate to something, to express the dark corners of our minds. And in this case it is to everyone, but really no one at all.
Sunday, 16 January 2011
Growing up, I used to live by my music. Since I never spoke much and when I did it was always a messy mumble, I truly believed my taste in music defined who I was. And it was so important to me. But somehow now everyone is listening to electric-y, dance-y, sensual ish things... I mean I do like some of it, but I feel like no one treats music as life changing tools anymore... Lyrics have definitely taken a backseat these days and I remembered I used to have stupid rules like 'No matter how much the song sucks, if the lyric is good, its a good song to me.'
Music definitely changed my childhood life. Now I listened back to some of my old favourites and they still get me going like I was 15. And that's the magic of music.
When I was snapping up these lining up images in Asia, I also noticed the luggage Louis Vuitton ads paying homage to its gay market:
Excuse the reflective glare but I believe it says the trunks owner's initial is G.W.M.
(the standard Acronym for Gay White Male)

Saturday, 15 January 2011
When I was in Hong Kong I noticed this little phenomenon - lining up for name brand shops...

So I guess Chanel is in...

And Louis Vuitton is actually out...

And as always, Gucci is the winner with people lining around corners...
Gotta love Asian blind consumerism
Without wanting to sound pathetic, I was eating lunch alone again and across from me was another guy on his own. I can tell he was from America from the accent he ordered his lunch with.
I decided that as I can send random emails to strangers on Craigslist, I most certainly can speak to a stranger across the table. Plus I wasn't attracted to him so I knew u can talk slightly with ease.
So it starts, " Excuse me. Are you from the states?"
He works in the music record industry and was easy to talk to. We talked for a good while and we definitely had enough common grounds to stomp on. But I got antsy and was thinking I needed to get to school before the library closes. So with my awkward mumble I asked for the bill.
As we were bout to part ways in front of the Chinese noodles shop. I wondered if I should be offering Facebook, mobile, email, blog, Twitter (if I had one). But I decided to leave things as it is. Shake hands and in the usual awkward manner, say, 'see you around.'
I decided that as I can send random emails to strangers on Craigslist, I most certainly can speak to a stranger across the table. Plus I wasn't attracted to him so I knew u can talk slightly with ease.
So it starts, " Excuse me. Are you from the states?"
He works in the music record industry and was easy to talk to. We talked for a good while and we definitely had enough common grounds to stomp on. But I got antsy and was thinking I needed to get to school before the library closes. So with my awkward mumble I asked for the bill.
As we were bout to part ways in front of the Chinese noodles shop. I wondered if I should be offering Facebook, mobile, email, blog, Twitter (if I had one). But I decided to leave things as it is. Shake hands and in the usual awkward manner, say, 'see you around.'
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Friday, 14 January 2011
Saw Blue Valentine today...
And the movie was fairly average. I understand its not a main stream movie, but I think I was just a little uncomfortable with the filmography. Everything is shot quite close range, and although it was pretty, it made the film slightly static.
But the one important thing is... it reminded me of a time when I was single. It reminded me that idea of believing you can meet someone, and its like you already know them. You believe everything you are thinking. Like if you make this type of a rude joke, they can one up you instead of take offence. If you are feeling depressed, they will just know what to say....
And somehow I think I still have that faith in people, and its somewhat naive. Worst yet is that because I am in a relationship, this belief make me think there are other people out there I will instantly click with. And I think I kind of have to accept that it is a fantasy. I love my partner dearly, and he is great to me. I just keep thinking I can find better under this imagination.
Thursday, 13 January 2011
Ever since I had my hair permed I washed it less often because I didn't want to wash the curls out. I really don't know if that is even logical but it sounds right to me. And also my hair became quite dry after the perm, I thought I let it oil itself a bit...
None of these reasons sound logical, but I guess ultimately I am just lazy.
So when I am talking to someone and I spot a fly near me, my immediate thought would be that the fly has smelled my hair. And they are here for dinner. Worst yet, they come and they would land on me, and me and the person I am talking to would see this and we would laugh and shoo the fly away. But it must be my hair... why else do they come to me not them?
Wednesday, 12 January 2011
Everytime someone says the term minger (a British slang for an extremely unattractive person), I feel that they are a bit hesitant to say that in front of me, even if its not directed at me...
It is like you wouldn't make fun of Chinese when you have a Chinese standing in front of you ... right?
Tuesday, 11 January 2011
I have finally planned to join the gym again. And am really happy to find a Fitness First that is 24 hours near my flat. Hence a trial at 2.30 am tonight.
But I don't know why, every time after a work-out I get even more food cravings than I would otherwise...
And my left leg fell asleep as I was on the treadmill after 30 minutes, is that even fucking possible?!?!
My leg fell asleep while I was running..........
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Monday, 10 January 2011
When I get homesick, I would Google Map Street View places I used to go frequently in Vancouver:
my old home

my old coffeeshop
I guess its obvious, but I felt it was necessary to put the term 'old' in front of every description. But now I wonder, what is my new coffeeshop? Where is my new home? And unfortunately, it not the place I am staying in now...
Sunday, 9 January 2011
When my mom bought tickets to the House of Dancing Water for new years eve in Macao, I had no expectations of it. I had not YouTube or Google it at all.
I was so impressed by the show despite feeling feverish and nauseous. The stage that transforms effortlessly from floor to deep deep pools amazed me.
I constantly cringed when I watch the performers dive from 10 stories tall platforms into a pool that was solid metal only minutes ago.
One of the most memorable scene for me was when the fog machine went on, covering the entire stage in smoke. And out of the blue, as if a giant had a rain shower head in his bathroom turned on, the smoke was hit by gallons of rain. The impact of the water hit the smoke, causing a visible whirlwind that otherwise would have been invisible to the eyes.
I cried a bit when I saw that.
Needless to say, seeing men in leather and swinging together was stimulating as well...
I was so impressed by the show despite feeling feverish and nauseous. The stage that transforms effortlessly from floor to deep deep pools amazed me.
I constantly cringed when I watch the performers dive from 10 stories tall platforms into a pool that was solid metal only minutes ago.
One of the most memorable scene for me was when the fog machine went on, covering the entire stage in smoke. And out of the blue, as if a giant had a rain shower head in his bathroom turned on, the smoke was hit by gallons of rain. The impact of the water hit the smoke, causing a visible whirlwind that otherwise would have been invisible to the eyes.
I cried a bit when I saw that.
Needless to say, seeing men in leather and swinging together was stimulating as well...
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Saturday, 8 January 2011
When I was a little boy I used to admire taxi drivers. They had my dream job: they got to work late and not have to be forced to bed, they get to drive around in the mystery of the night, and they just sat all day in their work.
I have always thought I wanted a easy care free job. Somehow, I lost sight of that when I went to Business school and during that haze, I thought fashion seemed delightful and fun. So I somehow decided to move countries and study fashion.
I can't believe how serious and competitive it all really is.
As I sit here stressed about my final collection with developed acid reflux and heart problems. I know I contribute to the stress too. If I don't let it get to me, if I don't take it that seriously, than I am fine. But somehow it not that easy to say that. When you are in it you want to do well, but my gemini personality of wanting a care free job keeps interrupting
- rendering me typing a blog while stressing out about not working.
Another good thing when eating on your own is when they put you on the same table with others and you can hear everything about them.
This time for example I was next to was a Chinese girl and British guy table. And she, like me is from Canada but from Hong Kong. I wanted so much to scream introductions and relate but I knew deep down there is nothing similar between us and I was just being fooled by me desperately wanting to relate.
This time for example I was next to was a Chinese girl and British guy table. And she, like me is from Canada but from Hong Kong. I wanted so much to scream introductions and relate but I knew deep down there is nothing similar between us and I was just being fooled by me desperately wanting to relate.
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One nice thing about eating out on your own is easily squeeze your way through a queue in a popular Japanese udon restaurant.
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Thursday, 6 January 2011
On the train ride 'home' from a complete shut off in Holland with Dirk. Was nice until I lost my house keys and my paranoid insurance obsessed landlord declares that we must get a new lock and it will cost £180 to fix. Course I have to go down to Canary Wharf to pick up the keys myself.
With my huge suitcase I made my way out to the train station. And late because I had to talk to the landlord and take a shit, which felt disturbingly similar, I started running with a 37kg suitcase while wearing 10 kg worth of clothing.
I was gonna make it. But my heart started really hurting and I couldn't push myself anymore. I couldn't push the suitcase either. My forehead was drenched as I was sweating uncontrollably and I just started to take all my jackets off (2) scarf (1) gloves (1) sweater(1 of 2). And sat on the curb.
With my eyes on the train station and knowing I have missed the train that will lead to me missing my London train which will cost more problems for me to pick up the new keys, I thought this could mean two thing:
1. That my lack of new year resolution has angered a higher being and it is forcing me to see all that is wrong in my life (tardiness, disorganized, tried to do too much at once, and of course being very unfit.) And make me build some new resolutions.
2. 2011 is meant to be a bad year in Chinese for people who are born in the year of the rats. Which is me and that this is just a little hint on what my life will be in the upcoming year.
Course I don't know which one it really is. But i will be thinking about finding a gym and truly try to take it easier this year.
With my huge suitcase I made my way out to the train station. And late because I had to talk to the landlord and take a shit, which felt disturbingly similar, I started running with a 37kg suitcase while wearing 10 kg worth of clothing.
I was gonna make it. But my heart started really hurting and I couldn't push myself anymore. I couldn't push the suitcase either. My forehead was drenched as I was sweating uncontrollably and I just started to take all my jackets off (2) scarf (1) gloves (1) sweater(1 of 2). And sat on the curb.
With my eyes on the train station and knowing I have missed the train that will lead to me missing my London train which will cost more problems for me to pick up the new keys, I thought this could mean two thing:
1. That my lack of new year resolution has angered a higher being and it is forcing me to see all that is wrong in my life (tardiness, disorganized, tried to do too much at once, and of course being very unfit.) And make me build some new resolutions.
2. 2011 is meant to be a bad year in Chinese for people who are born in the year of the rats. Which is me and that this is just a little hint on what my life will be in the upcoming year.
Course I don't know which one it really is. But i will be thinking about finding a gym and truly try to take it easier this year.
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Saturday, 1 January 2011
So I write random responses to people on Craigslist:
Date: 2010-12-26, 6:08PM HKT
Head and more... - 48 (kowloon hotel)
Date: 2010-12-26, 6:08PM HKT
Looking for men to cum to the hotel for head, give and getr, prefer huge and uncut buit all big dick is welcome, married bi and str8 to the front... Love 69 very oral and told i give great head.. prefer top but bottom on occassion.. NO ASian... YOU MUST HAVE A PIC TO SEND!! be nearby, looking for now!!
So I wrote back:
'you sound like a spaz on your ad'
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